“It’s about the big picture: making democracy happen by participating”

DJHT, also referred to in German as ‘Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendhilfetag (DJHT)’ – the German Child and Youth Welfare Congress – is the biggest child and youth welfare summit in Europe. In 2025, its 18th edition will take place in Leipzig. Europe@DJHT is the European programme of the DJHT, which encourages exchange on current topics at European and international level, also with international guests. 32 European or international events will take place as part of the conference programme at the 18th DJHT.

The events in the Europe@DJHT conference programme will be held in English and/or German (with subtitles). The “European Marketplace” in the exhibition area brings together organisations whose work has a European or international focus. Further highlights will be the opening event (with subtitling in English) of the 18th DJHT as a whole, as well as the European opening event of Europe@DJHT entitled “Shaping the future: youth work in times of societal and political change”. Finally, for the first time at a DJHT, the closing event will have a European focus. It will be entitled „Beyond crisis: youth and democracy in Europe“. Last but not least, Europe@DJHT lives from the presence of European guests throughout the programme, including you! Your presence, your perspectives and your contributions will bring Europe to life at the 18th DJHT.

About the DJHT

Background and structure of the DJHT

The Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) organises a DJHT every three to four years, with the first such event taking place in 1964. Attendance is free of charge. DJHT is the biggest meet-up of its kind in the child and youth welfare community and related fields of activity across Europe. Around 30,000 experts and other interested individuals from all over Germany and Europe attend this three-day event to exchange opinions and experiences, and to strengthen networks. The agenda features a wide range of events by researchers and practitioners representing many different perspectives, making the DJHT an ideal place for experts to learn and develop. Moreover, the DJHT provides an in-depth insight into current theoretical and practical debates in the child and youth welfare community and related fields of activity (such as health, school, law, employment, etc.). The audience is just as diverse attracting social workers, scouts, day-care teachers, outreach workers, youth welfare office directors, high-ranking Ministry representatives, policymakers, and researchers. DJHT is a fixture in the calendar for all experts, whether volunteers or full-time employees, who work with and for young people and their families. It makes a valuable contribution towards assisting children and young people in growing up successfully, while also helping the Child and Youth Welfare Community to develop and evolve.

DJHT comprises two complementary components, a conference and an exhibition space, each with their own multi-faceted, diverse, informative, and creative agendas.


A large number of organisations and institutions working in child and youth welfare, as well as other related fields of activity, do not just attend the DJHT, they also play an active role in shaping its agenda. Around 200 organisations and institutions participate as exhibitors, giving the many visitors and experts an in-depth insight into their valuable work. They contribute to and make use of the exhibition as a space for personal interaction that is ideal for networking, getting to know potential new staff, engaging in a dialogue among professionals, learning from each other’s experiences, and producing new ideas.


The agenda of the conference comprises around 200 events on a broad variety of themes, allowing professionals to acquire essential knowledge and benefit from valuable input. Participants can attend informative presentations and inspiring workshops and learn about compelling case studies and innovative concepts. They can also hear about new insights, methods, approaches, and debates at play in the research community and among practitioners. Our participants are warmly invited to join in on the debate and share their experience and expertise.

Europe@DJHT: The European dimension

In recent years, the DJHT has been extended to include a European dimension, called Europe@DJHT, to appeal to a broader and more international expert audience and encourage a more international debate on current issues and trends in the child and youth welfare field. The European programme is fully integrated in the DJHT conference and exhibition. It incorporates around 30 European or international events within the conference programme and other complementary activities around the exhibition and evening programme. Europe@DJHT is organised in cooperation between the Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) and JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport, and European Solidarity Corps in Germany.

Motto of the 18th DJHT

The 18th edition of the DJHT is taking place from 13 to 15 May 2025 in Leipzig and bears the title ’It’s about the big picture: making democracy happen by participating’ (Weil es ums Ganze geht: Demokratie durch Teilhabe verwirklichen!). The crises of recent years and the present are calling into question many things that are taken for granted, exposing social conflicts or even fuelling them. Almost everything is being renegotiated in our societies. This has a direct impact on the lives of children and young people, on the structures for education and daycare, and on participation in society and democracy. DJHT offers a platform to discuss precisely this:

What demands does the current situation place on structures, professionals, and work content? Where does child and youth welfare stand, where does it want to go – and what does it have to offer?

For European participants, Europe@DJHT offers the opportunity to take part in and contribute to the discussions on those burning topics, combined with the unique possibility to dive into and gain deep insights into the German Child and Youth Welfare system and community.

Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Shaping the future: youth work in times of societal and political change Opening event of the European programme Europe@DJHT

Young people and societies are facing major transformation processes. What does this mean for youth work? The event will initiate discussions on opportunities and challenges to support all young people to participate, especially in these times.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.

Youth mobility in Europe – Results of current youth surveys

Various youth surveys on the mobility of young people in Europe will be carried out by the Eurodesk network in Europe in 2024. The results of the surveys will be exclusively presented and discussed in this lecture at the DJHT.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V.

#theatre.makes.politics - The Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V. develops methods for democratizing young people in European cooperation

With #theatre.makes.politics, the Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V. (BuT) has been part of a European partner program since 2022 that develops theater pedagogical methods and formats in response to anti-democratic forces in Europe. We present the first results and key questions of the project.

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe – AGJ

Europe and you. European youth policy decoded.

Is the history of youth policy in Europe a success story? What influence does European youth policy have on debates in Germany and on practice in child and youth welfare? A lot has actually happened since the 1990s.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — THE CIVICS Innovation Hub

‘CIVICS Democracy Toolbox’: Future skills for a resilient Europe

Young people are developing a ‘Toolbox for resilient democracies’. This toolbox aims to make populist and anti-democratic attitudes from different EU country contexts visible; and aims to strengthen the resilience and democratic future skills of young people, especially in peripheral regions.

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.

Youth, peace and security: UN Resolution 2250 and its significance for youth work

The session "Youth, Peace and Security" will discuss the implementation of UN Resolution 2250. A panel of young people, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office and youth actors will discuss the potential of youth participation in peace and security issues.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — NAJU (Naturschutzjugend im NABU)

Youth participation on the international stage - NAJU youth delegations at the World Nature Conservation and Climate Change Conferences

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.

Youth mainstreaming: including young people in all policy fields!

What is youth policy and how can the perspectives of young people be taken into account in all policy fields? The Centre for European Youth Policy (DJI) discusses the concept of "youth mainstreaming" and its interaction in and with youth policy in Germany and Europe.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Deutscher Caritasverband e.V.

EUROPE FOR ALL - Enabling democracy through participation and participation

Children and young people from the field of educational assistance are often discriminated against, also with regard to the freedom of travel, which is restricted by the Brussels IIb Regulation. This results in consequences and hurdles for schools, youth welfare offices, associations, and educational aids.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Cultures Interactive e.V.

Narrative talking-groups in youth (social) work and school education – promoting democratic personality development in a community context

The method of narrative group work with students is explained, including exercises on narrative dialogue, practical work experience and a case story – promoting 'intensive civic education' to build rapport with difficult-to-reach, at-risk young people, veering towards (self)hatred.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Internationaler Bund (IB)

Democracy promotion and organisational development through international youth work

Democracy education and participation of socially disadvantaged young people, but also organisational development through cooperation with France in the Saxony-Occitanie Diversity and Participation Network with inputs and professional exchange

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

How can young people shape democracy through European solidarity and mobility (through the EU youth programmes)?

How do the EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) support participation and democracy? This event will explore key factors, inspiring practices and further support needed for European projects to contribute to democratic learning.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — AIM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V.

no borders, no limits, no boundaries – for education in europe

Educational support services across borders in Europe – how can this be achieved? The heterogeneous legal situation as well as the cultural differences in Europe require a high level of successful cooperation in order to effectively manage and implement individual support measures.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch

Take a look – the Czech Republic as a partner country in international youth exchanges

You don't have to travel halfway around the world for an exciting international exchange experience: our neighbouring country, the Czech Republic, is ideal for diverse and sustainable encounters. The Czech-German Youth Exchange Coordination Centres – Tandem show you the possibilities.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — DARE network - Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe

Digital Youth Work

Digital Youth Work is key innovation field for the development of Youth Work in Europe. However digitalisation bounds to frames such as Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights in Europe. We discuss key aspects how Digital YW can become an innovation driver and how its relaterd to learning democracy.

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — Kulturhauptstadt Europas Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH

Paneldiscussion "How to: Engage Youngsters in cultural activities. European best practices with the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025"

A 90-minute panel focused on exchanging and networking on common European themes in youth participation. Young people and professionals present and discuss best practices in interactive workshops.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.

Engaging parents in child protection: cultivating motivation to change

The event employs an international perspective to identify child protection practitioners‘ training needs with regard to engaging with parents and evidence-based approaches to meeting these needs. The participants will be encouraged to consider implications of the insights gained for their practice.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Internationaler Bund (IB)

Europe-Explorer: a Kindergarten-parliament looking for Europe

Preschool children from Jena playfully discover Europe. They open their children's parliament for questions, discussions, and presentations about Europe. Their topics include justice, peace, and dealing with nature, all using exciting methods according to the motto: Discovering Europe.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

The role of youth workers in the digital era: challenges and opportunities in the age of AI

Should youth work fear or embrace the development of digital technologies? This event explores the role of youth work in digitalised societies, in light of AI-based tools and support mechanisms available to youth workers to engage with them.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

United not alone! The European Youth Work Agenda and its opportunities for the future of youth work in Germany

Feel invited to co-create the future of youth work! Discover the opportunities of the European Youth Work Agenda for youth work in Germany and the upcoming steps towards its implementation. Find out how you can get involved and develop impulses to the European debate on youth work.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.

Democracy and young people - a German-European comparison in theory and practice

In this workshop, data of the European Social Survey on young people's democratic attitudes are presented by the Centre for European Youth Policy, followed by the presentation of activities of the Kreisjugendring Munich-City on how democracy can be experienced through participation concepts.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutscher Bundesjugendring e.V.

Youth participation in Germany and Europe for all?

In the workshop, we would like to present the EU Youth Dialogue and its opportunities for participation and discuss together how it can be made accessible to young people from all youth welfare structures and what is still needed for its inclusive further development.

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

How does (European) youth work support meaningful political participation of young people in a polarised world?

How does youth work navigate shifting and shrinking civic spaces and social and political polarisation? This event will discuss how youth work can support meaningful political participation of young people in a polarized political and social context.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Eurochild

The European Union's child rights priorities 2024-2029: from a civil society perspective

An overview of the European Union's child rights priorities 2024-2029. This will include an analysis of the Speech by President-elect of the presentation of upcoming College of Commissioners and their programme in November 2024.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Hochschule Düsseldorf, Forschungsschwerpunkt Wohlfahrtsverbände/Sozialwirtschaft

Perspective change for good collaboration between youth welfare and schools A workshop with Danish and German researchers

In this workshop, the participants, Danish and German researchers will discuss the benefits of national changes of perspective in order to find ideas for good conditions for collaboration between youth welfare and schools.

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Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — IBB e.V.

Take action - Youth participation with the Ambassadors of Generation Europe

The Guide to Activism empowers through diverse stories and practical advice, fostering continuous civic engagement. Supported by IBB e.V., it's part of Generation Europe- The Academy.

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Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — CJD Deutschland

successful integration and participation of young people with refugee experience

- Focus on young people with refugee experience (facts and figures)
- Escape Stories (Trauma and Resource)
- Video clip (wishes and needs of young people with refugee experience; Welcoming culture)
- Practical examples of successful integration

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Is young climate activism changing the understanding of youth participation in society?

Is young climate activism changing the way societies understand youth participation? What role do youth work and youth policy play in supporting new forms of youth engagement, such as young climate activism?

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)

How to emphasize diversity and participation through political education

How can Franco-German or international youth exchanges be a place for participation? How can a democratic understanding be conveyed here? The workshop creates an international perspective on civic educational work and opportunities for participation.

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Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Pathways of young people with a migration or refugee background: from youth work offers to political participation?

What are successful youth work approaches to support the participation of young migrants and refugees in an inclusive and sustainable way? This event aims to inspire the further development of youth work practices that support all young people in their diversity to participate.

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Bayerischer Jugendring (K.d.ö.R.)

Democracy education in the context of the rightshift in Europe

The rightshift in Europe brings many challenges for youth work:
- To what extent and in what way is youth work affected by the rightshift in European countries?
- Securing democracy education programs in the medium term?
- Rightshift and financing of youth work?

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Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

International youth mobility and sustainability: a contradiction in terms?

How do the policy objectives of international learning mobility of young people relate to the Sustainable Development Goals? This event will assess international learning mobility from a climate change perspective and aims to inspire the design of inclusive and sustainable youth mobility projects.

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Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk | Europe@DJHT

German-Polish Youth Office

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Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wildfang GmbH | Europe@DJHT


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IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. | Europe@DJHT

IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany

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Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus e. V. (BAG RelEx) | Europe@DJHT

Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation

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Deutsch-Griechisches Jugendwerk | Europe@DJHT

We are an international organisation that promotes German-Greek youth exchanges and professional youth worker exchanges.

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ConAct - Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Israelischer Jugendaustausch | Europe@DJHT

ConAct - Coordination Center German Israeli Youth Exchange

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Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus e. V. (BAG RelEx) | Europe@DJHT

Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation

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AVP e.V. | Europe@DJHT

Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation

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Sozialtherapeutisches Zentrum Gut Priemern gGmbH | Europe@DJHT

Young people don't need likes - they need our interest, attention and real contacts.

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babybedenkzeit GmbH | Europe@DJHT


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Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Radikalisierungs­präven­tion und Demokratieförderung e.V. (IZRD) | Europe@DJHT

Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradikalisation

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Vereinigung Pestalozzi gem GmbH | Europe@DJHT

Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradikalisation

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Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch | Europe@DJHT

#MameToInDerHand – Youth exchange between Germany and the Czech Republic

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JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps | Europe@DJHT

Meet Europe

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Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW) | Europe@DJHT

Specialist and funding centres for European and international youth work

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Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg / GOEUROPE! | Europe@DJHT

Quality Label for Youth Centres of the Council of Europe

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Stiftung DRJA -Projekt Play it foward | Europe@DJHT

Play it forward - the VR Lounge of International Youth Work

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