“It’s about the big picture: making democracy happen by participating”
DJHT, also referred to in German as ‘Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendhilfetag (DJHT)’ – the German Child and Youth Welfare Congress – is the biggest child and youth welfare summit in Europe. In 2025, its 18th edition will take place in Leipzig. Europe@DJHT is the European programme of the DJHT, which encourages exchange on current topics at European and international level, also with international guests. 32 European or international events will take place as part of the conference programme at the 18th DJHT.
The events in the Europe@DJHT conference programme will be held in English and/or German (with subtitles). The “European Marketplace” in the exhibition area brings together organisations whose work has a European or international focus. Further highlights will be the opening event (with subtitling in English) of the 18th DJHT as a whole, as well as the European opening event of Europe@DJHT entitled “Shaping the future: youth work in times of societal and political change”. Finally, for the first time at a DJHT, the closing event will have a European focus. It will be entitled „Beyond crisis: youth and democracy in Europe“. Last but not least, Europe@DJHT lives from the presence of European guests throughout the programme, including you! Your presence, your perspectives and your contributions will bring Europe to life at the 18th DJHT.
About the DJHT
Background and structure of the DJHT
The Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) organises a DJHT every three to four years, with the first such event taking place in 1964. Attendance is free of charge. DJHT is the biggest meet-up of its kind in the child and youth welfare community and related fields of activity across Europe. Around 30,000 experts and other interested individuals from all over Germany and Europe attend this three-day event to exchange opinions and experiences, and to strengthen networks. The agenda features a wide range of events by researchers and practitioners representing many different perspectives, making the DJHT an ideal place for experts to learn and develop. Moreover, the DJHT provides an in-depth insight into current theoretical and practical debates in the child and youth welfare community and related fields of activity (such as health, school, law, employment, etc.). The audience is just as diverse attracting social workers, scouts, day-care teachers, outreach workers, youth welfare office directors, high-ranking Ministry representatives, policymakers, and researchers. DJHT is a fixture in the calendar for all experts, whether volunteers or full-time employees, who work with and for young people and their families. It makes a valuable contribution towards assisting children and young people in growing up successfully, while also helping the Child and Youth Welfare Community to develop and evolve.
DJHT comprises two complementary components, a conference and an exhibition space, each with their own multi-faceted, diverse, informative, and creative agendas.
A large number of organisations and institutions working in child and youth welfare, as well as other related fields of activity, do not just attend the DJHT, they also play an active role in shaping its agenda. Around 200 organisations and institutions participate as exhibitors, giving the many visitors and experts an in-depth insight into their valuable work. They contribute to and make use of the exhibition as a space for personal interaction that is ideal for networking, getting to know potential new staff, engaging in a dialogue among professionals, learning from each other’s experiences, and producing new ideas.
The agenda of the conference comprises around 200 events on a broad variety of themes, allowing professionals to acquire essential knowledge and benefit from valuable input. Participants can attend informative presentations and inspiring workshops and learn about compelling case studies and innovative concepts. They can also hear about new insights, methods, approaches, and debates at play in the research community and among practitioners. Our participants are warmly invited to join in on the debate and share their experience and expertise.
Europe@DJHT: The European dimension
In recent years, the DJHT has been extended to include a European dimension, called Europe@DJHT, to appeal to a broader and more international expert audience and encourage a more international debate on current issues and trends in the child and youth welfare field. The European programme is fully integrated in the DJHT conference and exhibition. It incorporates around 30 European or international events within the conference programme and other complementary activities around the exhibition and evening programme. Europe@DJHT is organised in cooperation between the Child and Youth Welfare Association (AGJ) and JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport, and European Solidarity Corps in Germany.
Motto of the 18th DJHT
The 18th edition of the DJHT is taking place from 13 to 15 May 2025 in Leipzig and bears the title ’It’s about the big picture: making democracy happen by participating’ (Weil es ums Ganze geht: Demokratie durch Teilhabe verwirklichen!). The crises of recent years and the present are calling into question many things that are taken for granted, exposing social conflicts or even fuelling them. Almost everything is being renegotiated in our societies. This has a direct impact on the lives of children and young people, on the structures for education and daycare, and on participation in society and democracy. DJHT offers a platform to discuss precisely this:
What demands does the current situation place on structures, professionals, and work content? Where does child and youth welfare stand, where does it want to go – and what does it have to offer?
For European participants, Europe@DJHT offers the opportunity to take part in and contribute to the discussions on those burning topics, combined with the unique possibility to dive into and gain deep insights into the German Child and Youth Welfare system and community.
Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
Shaping the future: youth work in times of societal and political change Opening event of the European programme Europe@DJHT
Young people and societies are facing major transformation processes. What does this mean for youth work? The event will initiate discussions on opportunities and challenges to support all young people to participate, especially in these times.
How can youth work in Europe (continue to) support all young people to participate, especially in a context of digital transformation, increasing displacement and migration, climate change, and political and social polarisation?
- What is the vision (and practice) of the youth field for sustainable cooperation and communication for and with young people?
- What values are relevant in today's societies, and how can youth work contribute to living them?
- What should youth work practice and societies look like in the long term to be a healthy environment for young people and their future?
- How can youth work contribute to strengthening young people's political and social participation?
As part of an interactive panel discussion, representatives from politics, research, and practice will discuss and explore their respective perspectives on how youth work is influenced and affected by these processes and how the youth field in Europe supports and empowers young people to navigate these times of change. The opening event will set the scene for further events of the European programme, inviting participants to explore and discuss the four major societal transformation processes (digital transformation, displacement and migration, climate change, and social and political polarisation) and their implications for youth work in more depth. The event will also introduce Europe@DJHT as such and provide information about the wider European programme Europe@DJHT, with its various elements in the conference programme and exhibition space.
In addition to the speakers listed below, the following speakers will be involved in the panel discussion:
Biliana Sirakova, European Commission (tbc)
Andrij Pavlovych, SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre
Miriam Teuma, Agenzija Zghazagh, organiser of the 4th European Youth Work Convention
Ines Lampe, City of Braunschweig, Department for Children, Youth and Family
N.N., Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe (tbc)
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Youth mobility in Europe – Results of current youth surveys
Various youth surveys on the mobility of young people in Europe will be carried out by the Eurodesk network in Europe in 2024. The results of the surveys will be exclusively presented and discussed in this lecture at the DJHT.
On the one hand, the European Eurodesk network is conducting the Eurodesk Survey 2024/25, which captures the voices and opinions of young people from all over Europe. Every three years this survey context of youth information on learning mobility.
The Eurodesk Survey aims to gather the experiences and opinions of young people and adults from 13 to over 35 years old. It researches different aspects related to youth information and learning mobility, targeting both mobile and non-mobile youth. It looks at the experiences young people have when searching for mobility information, which sources they prefer and how they would like to be approached. It looks at the obstacles and benefits of learning mobility, and asks young people for suggestions of how youth information on mobility opportunities can improve.
On the other hand, Eurodesk Germany will launch a scientifically supported survey among German young people during 2024. This survey will have a look at the needs, obstacles and support mechanisms for youngsters in Germany concerning international learning mobility. This survey will focus particularly on access to relevant information on participation in youth mobility opportunities.
In the lecture, the results of both surveys will be presented by the implementing organisations (Eurodesk Brussels Link and Eurodesk Germany) and the resulting findings for youth information in Germany and Europe will then be discussed with the participants present.
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V.
#theatre.makes.politics - The Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V. develops methods for democratizing young people in European cooperation
With #theatre.makes.politics, the Bundesverband Theaterpädagogik e.V. (BuT) has been part of a European partner program since 2022 that develops theater pedagogical methods and formats in response to anti-democratic forces in Europe. We present the first results and key questions of the project.
With the rise of anti-democratic forces in Europe, the cohesion of our societies is in danger. Right-wing populist parties in particular are trying to dominate the political discourse, claiming to be "the people", to have the "right" answers and to deny that others belong to our society.
Many supporters of right-wing populists, believers in conspiracies, but also Islamist or Christian fundamentalists despise democratic processes and try to undermine them, expecting tolerance from others while at the same time being and acting intolerant themselves.
We think it is extremely important that young Europeans understand how populists and extremists of various stripes try to manipulate them, how they stir up resistance and even hostility towards other groups, be it refugees, Muslims, "infidels", LGBTQ+, etc.
With the results of our project, we want to encourage young people to change their perspective, develop a deeper understanding of people who are "different", overcome prejudices and discover the joy of exchanging ideas, playing, acting and dancing with people they would otherwise never meet. Promoting tolerance of ambiguity is also a particular concern of ours.
After several "input workshops" with experts on the topics relevant to us in France, Portugal, Greece and North Macedonia, we split into 4 working groups to develop 4-day workshops for young people.
• Right-wing populism / extremism
• Disinformation, misinformation, misinformation and conspiracy theories.
• Christian fundamentalism (through the Orthodox Church)
• Islamic fundamentalism / Islamism
The methods were put into practice during a 5-day pilot workshop on the island of Lesbos in September 2023, to which around 30 multipliers from the participating countries traveled to test the methods and provide feedback. The methods were then tested in pilot workshops with young people and further developed after evaluation.
Panel | Europe@DJHT — Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe – AGJ
Europe and you. European youth policy decoded.
Is the history of youth policy in Europe a success story? What influence does European youth policy have on debates in Germany and on practice in child and youth welfare? A lot has actually happened since the 1990s.
The event will be held in German. A translation into English will be provided.
1. Welcome address
2. Audience survey
3. Input on the history and current developments of European (EU) youth policy and their evaluation from the perspectives of practice and science with Corinna Robertson-Liersch (Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen bei der Europäischen Union) und Dr. Frederike Hofmann-van de Poll (wissenschaftliche Referentin der Arbeitsstelle europäische Jugendpolitik am Deutsches Jugendinstitut -DJI)
4. Opening statements from the perspective of various member pillars of the AGJ an Panel discussion with:
- Child and youth policy and its interlinking with children's rights - (Janina Bittner, Jugendamt Leipzig) for the perspective of the municipalities.
- Youth Guarantee - (Alexander Hauser - Caritas) for the perspective of the BAGFW
- Development of participation - Dorothee Ammermann ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland e.V. (aej) for the perspective of the youth associations.
- Democracy and political education - Georg Pirker (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB))for the perspective of specialist child and youth welfare organisations
Moderator Rolf Witte (Bundesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung)
5. Summary of central statements and results of the audience survey, comments and moderation and final demands Demands.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
‘CIVICS Democracy Toolbox’: Future skills for a resilient Europe
Young people are developing a ‘Toolbox for resilient democracies’. This toolbox aims to make populist and anti-democratic attitudes from different EU country contexts visible; and aims to strengthen the resilience and democratic future skills of young people, especially in peripheral regions.
By organising a 2.5-day DTW with approx. 20 young adults (18-25 years) from peripheral regions in Bulgaria, Germany and Croatia, the first step is to compare and contextualise transnational anti-democratic and populist challenges. In a second step, low-threshold content and materials for the piloting of a ‘For Democracy Toolbox’ are to be developed, with which young adults are to be brought into action and which is to be used in transnational youth work in the future.
The validation and scaling process can be carried out within a designated NECE Lab (www.nece.eu) in which the 18th DJHT takes a central role. The NECE network is coordinated by CIH.
The workshop will raise awareness of the fact that structural differences in rural areas in many parts of Europe and the associated challenges for young people are similar. The young people are strengthened in their ability to participate & future-proof through the open creative format, so that they can experience self-efficacy & deepen their knowledge. As part of the Call for Participation for our NECE Lab, we will request a proposal from our young people. This project idea should include how processes of change can be initiated in the respective local communities of the applicants in order to promote democracy & empowerment.
Panel | Europe@DJHT — IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Youth, peace and security: UN Resolution 2250 and its significance for youth work
The session "Youth, Peace and Security" will discuss the implementation of UN Resolution 2250. A panel of young people, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office and youth actors will discuss the potential of youth participation in peace and security issues.
The session "Youth, peace and security: UN Resolution 2250 and its significance for youth work" will deal with this topic and related issues. As part of introductory keynotes (english) and a panel discussion (german), various YPS actors will report on their experiences of implementing Resolution 2250. A representative from the Nordic Coalition on Youth Peace and Security will talk about the national implementation of the agenda and describe which steps they believe should be taken and which initiatives they are already implementing themselves.
Finally, the thematic discussion will focus on Germany, as the YPS agenda emphasizes that its implementation is necessary and required in all contexts - regardless of the (non-)existence of acute armed conflicts. Among other things, it will be discussed what framework conditions are needed to effectively implement UN Resolution 2250 in Germany and what contribution can be made here to democratic participation and, not least, the resilience of democracy(ies). Practical examples from our work with young people show that we act in line with the UN resolutions on an almost daily basis - but rarely explicitly state this. What can and must peace work mean in different contexts, and how can we also strengthen these complex issues at regional level? Whether it is a guided cooking evening with other young people, discussing and arguing about ideas for peacekeeping, or sending delegates to the United Nations - there are numerous ways to give people the opportunity to make their contribution to peace work. The German Coalition for Youth, Peace and Security, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office, youth work and committed young people from youth associations will discuss how this can be achieved and what it takes.
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — NAJU (Naturschutzjugend im NABU)
Youth participation on the international stage - NAJU youth delegations at the World Nature Conservation and Climate Change Conferences
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
Youth mainstreaming: including young people in all policy fields!
What is youth policy and how can the perspectives of young people be taken into account in all policy fields? The Centre for European Youth Policy (DJI) discusses the concept of "youth mainstreaming" and its interaction in and with youth policy in Germany and Europe.
What do these developments mean for the understanding of youth policy? What can "youth mainstreaming" look like in concrete terms, and what role does youth participation play in this? These and other questions will be discussed in the workshop.
To this end, the European Youth Policy Centre will first give an input in which youth policy will be presented as a spectrum and the developments surrounding "youth mainstreaming" will be discussed. This will be followed by a discussion in small groups with the audience on how youth policy, under the conceptual conditions of youth mainstreaming, can be given new impetus in Germany.
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Deutscher Caritasverband e.V.
EUROPE FOR ALL - Enabling democracy through participation and participation
Children and young people from the field of educational assistance are often discriminated against, also with regard to the freedom of travel, which is restricted by the Brussels IIb Regulation. This results in consequences and hurdles for schools, youth welfare offices, associations, and educational aids.
That sounds simple, but in practice it is more than complicated!
Children and young people using the youth welfare support system face many restrictions if they want to live the European idea. Every time a border is crossed, a consultation procedure for the child or adolescent must be completed in advance by the occupying youth welfare office. This is regulated in the Brussels IIb Regulation, a European regulation for international custody conflicts. The host country must give its consent for the young person to travel to the country and stay there. At the same time, each host country has its own procedures for implementing the Brussels IIb Regulation. This often leads to difficulties. Youth welfare services abroad, holiday trips with residential groups, or spontaneous day or leisure visits to countries close to the border are therefore hardly or no longer possible. The same applies to participation in international events such as the Kirchentag, international camps, class trips or educational trips.
As a result, this means that children and young people from educational assistance are usually denied participation in a trip to other European countries.
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Cultures Interactive e.V.
Narrative talking-groups in youth (social) work and school education – promoting democratic personality development in a community context
The method of narrative group work with students is explained, including exercises on narrative dialogue, practical work experience and a case story – promoting 'intensive civic education' to build rapport with difficult-to-reach, at-risk young people, veering towards (self)hatred.
It is explained how and why pupils at particularly challenged (hotspot) schools need a moderated and protected space for open-topic - and taboo-free - speaking/thinking and to what extent such intensified group conversation formats are increasingly indispensable as a factor in the community based promotion of democratic personality development of young people. After all, it has been foreseeable since the 1990s that the threats to democratic society are massive and constantly increasing and that schools, youth (social) work and, in particular, civic education systems need to show greater methodological concern and willingness to innovate in order to effectively alleviate these threats and, above all, promote resilience and intelligent engagement among young people.
The NGG's decidedly transdisciplinary approach includes an interface to targeted interventions by child/youth/family support, in particular also to distancing/exit work, and implements psychosocial prevention. A further interface to systemic school counseling "from below", i.e. from the young people (possibly also from local counseling) supports the handling of institutional problems. Advocacy in education and social policy is committed to perpetuating narrative discussion groups in schools (NGG).
The presentation of an exemplary group process around a brazen Holocaust denial illustrates the effectiveness and potential of NGG.
(cultures-interactive.de/en/projects.html; farp.online; oppattune.eu )
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Internationaler Bund (IB)
Democracy promotion and organisational development through international youth work
Democracy education and participation of socially disadvantaged young people, but also organisational development through cooperation with France in the Saxony-Occitanie Diversity and Participation Network with inputs and professional exchange
Note: in Germany there are a total of 5 regional Franco-German networks, for Berlin-Brandenburg, for Hamburg, for NRW, for Hesse and for Saxony.
This membership and the commitment to specific Franco-German projects has contributed a great deal to the achievements of the IB Mitte gGmbH. In this respect it addresses strategic areas such as quality, personnel and organisational development.
The following should be emphasised:
- The projects are aimed at both socially disadvantaged young people and professionals
- The projects can be anchored in various fields of action, such as youth work in general as well as vocational training
- It promotes local networking and partnerships (e.g. discussions with the employment agency for mobility projects)
- All three levels (young people, professionals and organisations) can develop further.
At the workshop, the Franco-German cooperation of IB Mitte gGmbH and its learning experiences will be presented as an example. The DiPa Saxony-Occitanie network will be outlined. Former participants (young people) from the projects will also have their say and talk about their learning experiences.
We will enter into dialogue with the participants in a world café, subsequently.
World Café
The tables are moderated in tandem (experts - young people who participated in the past).
At the World Café, both professional experiences and the experiences of IB Mitte gGmbH's as a best pracitce example are discussed.
- The DiPa Saxony-Occitania network
- Added value of international youth work for the fields of work at three levels (young people, professionals, organisations)
- Promotion of democracy and participation
- Project concept for youth exchanges
Time schedule (90 minutes):
Opening, introduction and Q&A 10 min
Presentation of the German-French co-operation of IB Mitte 10 min
Presentation of the DiPA network 10 min
Worldcafé 45 min
Results of the World Café in plenary 10 min
Closing round 5 min
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
How can young people shape democracy through European solidarity and mobility (through the EU youth programmes)?
How do the EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) support participation and democracy? This event will explore key factors, inspiring practices and further support needed for European projects to contribute to democratic learning.
Guiding questions will support the discussion:
- How can volunteering or other forms of European mobility experiences inspire and empower, and promote democratic engagement among young people and further support it? What makes participatory and voluntary engagement meaningful?
- What further support is needed for youth (work) organisations?
- What are the lessons learnt and recommendations for the future generation of EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) from 2028 and their focus on youth participation, civic engagement and democracy?
The ideas and recommendations may feed into further (political) processes, such as the design of the future generation of EU youth programmes from 2028 and further needs-oriented (European) training opportunities.
In addition to the speakers listed below, the following other contributors will be involved in the realisation of the workshop:
Anne Hardt, Democracy International e.V. (Germany)
Basti Standke, ‘Junior Team Europa’ project of VILLA gGmbH
Cesar Lopez and Kai Dietrich, AGJF Sachsen e.V., Project: ‘Uferlos’ - Fachstelle für internationale Jugendarbeit des Freistaats Sachsen
Emma Wolff and Almut Röder, Europeer
Jacqueline Langhorst and Nicole Thönnes, Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste e.V. (ijgd)
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — AIM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V.
no borders, no limits, no boundaries – for education in europe
Educational support services across borders in Europe – how can this be achieved? The heterogeneous legal situation as well as the cultural differences in Europe require a high level of successful cooperation in order to effectively manage and implement individual support measures.
However, the heterogeneous legal situation as well as the cultural differences in the wonderfully diverse Europe require a high level of successful cooperation to effectively manage and implement these support measures.
The aim of this event is to provide a current inventory of the field. Employees of public and private organizations, employees of (local) youth welfare offices, and European players are addressed and invited with the intention of revitalizing sometimes very entrenched dialogues.
The idea for the event was initiated by the publication "no borders, no limits, no boundaries – for education in europe" of the two German umbrella and specialist associations Bundesverband Individual- und Erlebnispädagogik e.V. and AIM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V.
The event is organized by the specialist group for measures abroad of the AIM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V.
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch
Take a look – the Czech Republic as a partner country in international youth exchanges
You don't have to travel halfway around the world for an exciting international exchange experience: our neighbouring country, the Czech Republic, is ideal for diverse and sustainable encounters. The Czech-German Youth Exchange Coordination Centres – Tandem show you the possibilities.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — DARE network - Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe
Digital Youth Work
Digital Youth Work is key innovation field for the development of Youth Work in Europe. However digitalisation bounds to frames such as Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights in Europe. We discuss key aspects how Digital YW can become an innovation driver and how its relaterd to learning democracy.
2) Discussion round with European Youth Workers
3) Presentation / sharing of a practice assessment for the evaluation of DYW under aspects of democracy, rights, and education for democracy
4) Presentation and discussion of relevant practices of digital education that feed into the fields of participation/media literacy, digital identity/self-management/well-being, sustainability/sustainability relevant for youth work and empowerment
5) Joint design and assessment of practices by the participants based on selevted practices of digital youth work
6) fishbowl "Key markets for YW development in a Europe challenged by multiple crises: participation/media literacy, digital idenity/self management/well-, Sustainability."
Panel | Europe@DJHT — Kulturhauptstadt Europas Chemnitz 2025 gGmbH
Paneldiscussion "How to: Engage Youngsters in cultural activities. European best practices with the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025"
A 90-minute panel focused on exchanging and networking on common European themes in youth participation. Young people and professionals present and discuss best practices in interactive workshops.
The "Fishbowl Discussion" receives special attention. Here, experts and selected participants sit in an inner circle, while the other attendees take seats in an outer circle. This dynamic approach allows participants from the outer circle to rotate into the inner circle and actively shape the discussion. Everyone can join in, voice their opinions, and ask questions, promoting a lively and inclusive dialogue.
The following Q&A session encourages in-depth exchanges of thoughts. The continuous rotation of discussion participants keeps the conversation fresh and integrative, ensuring a broad range of perspectives is heard.
The goal is to empower the local actors to apply the discussed best practices within their communities and promote strong, Europe-wide networking.
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
Engaging parents in child protection: cultivating motivation to change
The event employs an international perspective to identify child protection practitioners‘ training needs with regard to engaging with parents and evidence-based approaches to meeting these needs. The participants will be encouraged to consider implications of the insights gained for their practice.
This international panel comprises two thematic parts: first, presentations and second, a discussion. The presentations will share empirical evidence from Germany and Finland regarding the need to strengthen practitioners‘ engagement skills as perceived by both, child protection clients and practitioners themselves.
An additional international contribution will focus on evidence from the UK of how to improve engagement through communication skills. In particular, the benefits of Motivational Interviewing (MI), a client-centred and directive counselling approach, will be considered in the child protection context. Interactive, skills-based elements will be combined with latest research findings and theories about effective communication with parents in the context of child protection. Finally, the results of a research project in Finland will be presented, in which a training programme for practitioners from child protection and family social work (preventative child protection) to strengthen interaction skills was developed, piloted and evaluated. The training was based on MI and other relevant interaction skills.
In the second part of the event, participants will be invited to discuss with the panel members the extent to which the „good practice“ approaches raised in the presentations can be used in their own work, and how potential challenges can be overcome.
Time schedule of the event
1. Welcome and Introduction by Moderator (n.n.) (5 minutes)
2. „To what extent do practitioners' succeed in engaging parents in child protection? Evidence from Germany“; Dr. Birgit Jentsch, NZFH/DJI, Schlossbach Teresa, NZFH/DJI, Christine Gerber, NZFH/DJI (20 minutes)
3. „How to improve communication skills and have difficult conversations: latest evidence from the UK“; Prof. Dr. Donald Forrester, University of Cardiff, Wales (30 minutes, including some inter-active elements)
4. „Enhancing effectiveness in child protection by strengthening social workers' interaction skills: insights from Finland“; Dr. Elina Aaltio and Dr. Nanne Isokuortti, University of Helsinki, Finland (20 Minutes)
5. Panel discussion with the presenters (45 minutes)
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — Internationaler Bund (IB)
Europe-Explorer: a Kindergarten-parliament looking for Europe
Preschool children from Jena playfully discover Europe. They open their children's parliament for questions, discussions, and presentations about Europe. Their topics include justice, peace, and dealing with nature, all using exciting methods according to the motto: Discovering Europe.
With the project "Europa-Entdecker" (Europe Explorers), children are given the opportunity to playfully discover Europe. The goal is to provide children with the space to develop, articulate, and participate in a fascinating process of exploring their ideas about Europe. Children have their own unique perspective on the world. They notice shortcomings that adults accept and see potentials wich are hidden from the eyes of adultes. Weekly morning circles and the monthly children's parliament complement everyday activities. The children decide on the topics and priorities. Leading the way, the preschoolers introduce the countries of Europe to the younger children. At the center of this is the self-designed XXL Europe puzzle, which all the children can repeatedly turn to, ensuring that the topic is picked up weekly. "Why are there borders?" or "How do people differ?" and "What is common in the countries?" Enthusiastically and with great creativity, the children engage in these questions - each with their own curiosity and expertise. The ideas were written down in an open letter and recorded in a video message, which, through the European Parliament member Katharina Barley, was sent to the European Parliament in Brussels. The children actively participate and stand up for their ideas about Europe. They practice democratic voting, acceptance of other opinions, and respect for other people. The children are heard and taken seriously. This increases their sense of self-efficacy and participation - even reaching into the European Parliament.
The presentation of the project is framed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (DGBNE e.V.). To make Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) come alive in the daycare concept, it has to connect to the children's world. Children are empowered to participate in decision making and to take action. For learning together as equals, there needs to be space, opportunities, and stimuli to think and act with a future-oriented approach. It involves understanding relationships and values that are crucial for their (own) future. The DGBNE accompaniment works with innovative approaches and provides participatory methods for responsible contribution to an ecologically sustainable and socially fair environment.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
The role of youth workers in the digital era: challenges and opportunities in the age of AI
Should youth work fear or embrace the development of digital technologies? This event explores the role of youth work in digitalised societies, in light of AI-based tools and support mechanisms available to youth workers to engage with them.
The interactive event will be based on several questions, taking into account the interest of the participants:
- How democratic is AI? What values underpin youth work in the digital sphere? What responsibilities do youth workers have in this context?
- How do AI-based tools affect young people's psychological and social development as well as their democratic potential and participation?
- Can digitalisation support the quest for social inclusion and promote more inclusive participation of all young people? If so, how?
- How should European youth policy support youth work practice in addressing and adapting to the digital transformation affecting young people and their participation?
The event aims to stimulate questions and inspiration that can be transferred to participants' own work contexts and will include a moment to reflect on individual takeaways.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
United not alone! The European Youth Work Agenda and its opportunities for the future of youth work in Germany
Feel invited to co-create the future of youth work! Discover the opportunities of the European Youth Work Agenda for youth work in Germany and the upcoming steps towards its implementation. Find out how you can get involved and develop impulses to the European debate on youth work.
Help shape the future of youth work!
Times are changing, and so are the challenges youth work is facing. A shortage of skilled workers, insufficient funding and a lack of recognition are just some of the problems that professionals and organisations have to deal with today. The European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) is a joint response to these challenges. It provides a framework for the further development of youth work in Europe and aims to make it more accessible, innovative and of higher quality.
In this workshop, we will capitalise on the tailwind from Europe for the German field of youth work. We are doing this shortly before the 4th European Youth Work Convention, which will take place in Malta at the end of May 2025 and which is a platform for the entire youth work community of practice from up to 50 European countries that takes place every five years. In this workshop, we will explore the EYWA together and discuss how it can inspire and support German youth work. We will develop topics and ideas that Germany can contribute to the European expert debate at the convention. We will also discuss concrete next steps for a lively community process that hits the nerve and supports the practice of youth work.
What can you expect?
-> Insights into the EYWA and the Bonn Process: JUGEND für Europa and the National Contact Point for the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Germany will present the Agenda, its goals and opportunities for participation for professionals and organisations.
-> Opportunities for German youth work community of practice: Together we will discuss how the EYWA can support the further development of youth work in Germany.
-> Exchange of experiences and networking: Share your ideas and experiences and make connect with other youth work professionals.
Help shape the future: Together we will develop impulses for the European professional debate as well as concrete steps for the implementation of the EYWA in Germany.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
Democracy and young people - a German-European comparison in theory and practice
In this workshop, data of the European Social Survey on young people's democratic attitudes are presented by the Centre for European Youth Policy, followed by the presentation of activities of the Kreisjugendring Munich-City on how democracy can be experienced through participation concepts.
An input from the European Youth Policy Office highlights the relevance of the topic: it presents a German-European comparison of current data on young people's democratic attitudes from the European Social Survey (2024). This European longitudinal study shows the development of young people's interest in politics over many years, their confidence in the functioning of democracy and young people's expectations of political self-efficacy.
The Participation Unit of the Kreisjugendring Munich-City then uses various aspects of participation to present how democracy can be experienced by young people through participation opportunities in open child and youth work. The task of the Unit is to promote experiential spaces and structures that make democracy tangible through the practical anchoring of forms of participation in the open child and youth work of the KJR Munich-City.
Against the background of the data presented, presenters and audience discuss how the opportunities and challenges of young people's participation in youth work can be addressed.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutscher Bundesjugendring e.V.
Youth participation in Germany and Europe for all?
In the workshop, we would like to present the EU Youth Dialogue and its opportunities for participation and discuss together how it can be made accessible to young people from all youth welfare structures and what is still needed for its inclusive further development.
Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
How does (European) youth work support meaningful political participation of young people in a polarised world?
How does youth work navigate shifting and shrinking civic spaces and social and political polarisation? This event will discuss how youth work can support meaningful political participation of young people in a polarized political and social context.
- Where and how does youth work take place in changing or shrinking spaces?
- How does youth work try to engage with hard-to-reach youth groups (e. g. from radicalised, politically marginalised, far-right, politically disillusioned subcultures)?
- What support is needed to promote meaningful political participation of young people in different deteriorating democratic contexts?
The event aims to provide space for dialogue and discussion on this topic and to stimulate further reflection for and in the field of youth work.
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — Eurochild
The European Union's child rights priorities 2024-2029: from a civil society perspective
An overview of the European Union's child rights priorities 2024-2029. This will include an analysis of the Speech by President-elect of the presentation of upcoming College of Commissioners and their programme in November 2024.
We reach our goal by influencing policies, building civil society capacity, facilitating mutual learning and exchanging practice and research. Eurochild works closely with the European Union, as protecting children's rights is among the EU's aims and values.
The European Union's commitment to child rights is paramount, and strengthening a commitment to child rights is essential, as it forms the cornerstone of ensuring the well-being and protection of children across member states. This session will provide an overview of the European Union's child rights priorities 2024-2029. This will include an analysis of the Speech by President-elect of the presentation of upcoming College of Commissioners and their programme in November 2024. We will identify the key priorities in regards to children's rights, the opportunities and milestones for child participation and civil society engagement on both EU and national levels.
The specific focus will be given to children's rights, poverty and social exclusion, the European Child Guarantee, the European Semester, and child participation.
We are striving for a society where all children and young people grow up happy, healthy, confident and respected as individuals in their own right.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Hochschule Düsseldorf, Forschungsschwerpunkt Wohlfahrtsverbände/Sozialwirtschaft
Perspective change for good collaboration between youth welfare and schools A workshop with Danish and German researchers
In this workshop, the participants, Danish and German researchers will discuss the benefits of national changes of perspective in order to find ideas for good conditions for collaboration between youth welfare and schools.
As input for this discussion on the one hand, Danish researchers from the University of Applied Sciences UC Syd in South Jutland will provide information on how child and youth welfare is organised in Denmark. The new Danish Barnets Lov (Children's Act) and the ‘Helhedsorientering’ (holistic orientation) play an important role here. On the other hand, a German researcher uses her study of cooperation between the school and youth welfare system at local authority level in Denmark to explain, how suggestions from a foreign social welfare system can be used to gain insights for school social work in Germany and where these are limited. Specifically, the focus is on the structural barriers in the collaboriation between the school and youth welfare system that school social work is confronted with.
The workshop participants will be asked to contribute their national perspectives on the problems of collaboration between the two systems to the discussion.
Project presentation | Europe@DJHT — IBB e.V.
Take action - Youth participation with the Ambassadors of Generation Europe
The Guide to Activism empowers through diverse stories and practical advice, fostering continuous civic engagement. Supported by IBB e.V., it's part of Generation Europe- The Academy.
With the help of a PowerPoint presentation, a video and an interactive method with audience participation, the Guide to Activism will be presented. The focus is on the use of the Guide in youth work by professionals and self-organized youth groups. The presentation will be made by three professionals with the support of three to four Ambassadors to represent all levels of the Guide. The presentation will be held in English, with the opportunity to ask questions in German. We therefore ask for a translation if possible.
The expected time is about 1 hour and 30 min.
Presentation + discussion | Europe@DJHT — CJD Deutschland
successful integration and participation of young people with refugee experience
- Focus on young people with refugee experience (facts and figures)
- Escape Stories (Trauma and Resource)
- Video clip (wishes and needs of young people with refugee experience; Welcoming culture)
- Practical examples of successful integration
- Presentation of escape stories with a focus on the resources available and created as a result (10 minutes)
- Video clip by and with young people with refugee experience (experiences, wishes and needs) (5 minutes)
- young people report on their own experiences in child and youth welfare at the CJD (10-15 minutes)
- Discourse with the participants on the successful integration of young people with refugee experience with practical examples from residential groups for young unaccompanied refugees (30 minutes)
- Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe
- Elementarpädagogik
- berufliche Bildung
- Wohnen und Begleiten
- Arbeit und Beschäftigung
- Schulische Bildung
Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
Is young climate activism changing the understanding of youth participation in society?
Is young climate activism changing the way societies understand youth participation? What role do youth work and youth policy play in supporting new forms of youth engagement, such as young climate activism?
- What role do youth work and youth policy play in supporting new forms of youth engagement, such as young climate activism?
- How can youth work practices support young climate activists and their efforts for policy change? What makes such youth work practices meaningful and effective in this context?
- Is youth engagement in climate activism different from other forms of engagement, and respectively does it need a different kind of support from youth work?
The aim of the event is to provide a space for dialogue and discussion on the topic and to stimulate further reflection for and in the field of youth work.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)
How to emphasize diversity and participation through political education
How can Franco-German or international youth exchanges be a place for participation? How can a democratic understanding be conveyed here? The workshop creates an international perspective on civic educational work and opportunities for participation.
The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) has been focusing on civic education and various aspects of participation in its funding programs forseveral years. Since 2015, the "Diversity and Participation" strategy has aimed to make exchange programs more accessible and, in particular, to reach young people who previously had little or no access due to exclusion mechanisms, (structural) experiences of discrimination or other barriers. The conception and implementation of diversity-sensitive and participatory formats is also a concern in civic education : it becomes clear that there are exciting fields of action in terms of content, subject and pedagogy. Especially at international level, very different approaches can be formulated, as the understanding of civic education, inclusion and participation can vary greatly depending on the country and context. It is therefore all the more important to be familiar with different approaches and develop common positions when planning and implementing international projects in this field of action. In this context, the FGYO is organizing two Franco-German specialist forums in autumn 2024: one in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Civic Education on the principles and quality standards of political education in the context of international youth work, and a second on inclusion and participation in youth encounters.
The findings of these events will be presented in the workshop. It aims to look beyond the German-French horizon and to discuss, deepen and, if necessary, supplement the findings together with the international participants (first in small groups, then in plenary). Ideally, a joint position on principles, scope for action and perspectives can be formulated at the end.
In addition, the results of the workshop could be taken up again at future conferences in order to make a long-term contribution to the further development of pedagogical concepts in the field of civic education and for inclusive youth welfare and youth programmes at an international level.
Panel | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
Pathways of young people with a migration or refugee background: from youth work offers to political participation?
What are successful youth work approaches to support the participation of young migrants and refugees in an inclusive and sustainable way? This event aims to inspire the further development of youth work practices that support all young people in their diversity to participate.
- What kind of support and strategic (cross-sectoral) cooperation is needed to sustain inclusive youth work practice for young people with migrant and refugee backgrounds and to promote the post-migrant perspective of migration as a fact of reality?
- What influences youth workers and their practice in the contexts, in which youth work supporting young people with a migrant and/or refugee background takes place?
- What are the possibilities and limitations of youth work in view of the (European) political impact of migration and its consequences for young people?
- How do young people with a migrant and/or refugee background feel about youth work in relation to integration prospects and their general well-being?
The aim of the event is to initiate critical discussions but also to provide inspiration for advancing youth work approaches that empower and support all young people in their diversity.
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — Bayerischer Jugendring (K.d.ö.R.)
Democracy education in the context of the rightshift in Europe
The rightshift in Europe brings many challenges for youth work:
- To what extent and in what way is youth work affected by the rightshift in European countries?
- Securing democracy education programs in the medium term?
- Rightshift and financing of youth work?
- Questions about the situation of youth (and youth associations) work in different European countries and the challenges associated with the shift to the right (including an aggressive political climate, diversity and inclusion, hate speech, the role of international youth work, prospects for funding youth work). In a second step, we will discuss ways of learning from each other across national borders and developing joint strategies. (Both youth policy strategies and methodological strategies for working with young people).
Workshop | Europe@DJHT — JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
International youth mobility and sustainability: a contradiction in terms?
How do the policy objectives of international learning mobility of young people relate to the Sustainable Development Goals? This event will assess international learning mobility from a climate change perspective and aims to inspire the design of inclusive and sustainable youth mobility projects.
- How could or should international learning mobility reinforce young people's engagement with sustainability topics?
- What makes international learning mobility projects both sustainable and inclusive?
- What kind of support is available to organisations working with learning mobiliy formats and what else do they need to support the path to sustainability for young people, professionals, and international learning mobility projects?
The ideas and recommendations may feed into further political discussions and processes, such as the shaping of the future generation of EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) from 2028.
Keine Einträge vorhanden.
Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk | Europe@DJHT
German-Polish Youth Office
We would like to present ourselves in a joint stand area with the other specialist and funding agencies for European and international youth work on the marketplace Europa Europe@DJHT. We ask that all the stands of the specialist and funding agencies for international and European youth work ConAct - Coordination Centre German-Israeli Youth Exchange, German-French Youth Office, German-Greek Youth Office, German-Polish Youth Office, German-Turkish Youth Bridge, IJAB - Office for International Youth Work, Youth for Europe - National Agency Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport and European Solidarity Corps, Tandem - Coordination Centre German Czech Youth Exchange can be placed in a coherent stand area without partition walls, so that we can turn our stands into a common stand area.
At its stand, the German-Polish Youth Office will provide information on its funding programs for German-Polish and trilateral youth exchanges. It will also present its comprehensive trainings (online and live) for beginners and advanced organizers as well as its publications on various aspects of German-Polish youth encounters (language animation, diversity, method handbooks, etc.).
Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Wildfang GmbH | Europe@DJHT
It offers fully inpatient help for education in accordance with §27 SGB VIII in conjunction with § 34 SGBVIII and §41 SGB VIII. In selected parts of the facility, care in accordance with §35a SGB VIII and measures in accordance with §§ 71.72 JGG to avoid pre-trial detention are possible. We also offer services in accordance with Sections 30 and 35 SGB VIII.
Zu unseren Angeboten zählen:
- Stationäre Jugendhilfe in Erziehungsstellen, Wohngruppen, Sozialpädagogische Lebensgemeinschaften, ISE Maßnahmen und Auslandprojekten
- Tiergestützte Pädagogik
- Schulkompetenztraining
- Beschäftigungsbereich
- Reiseprojekte (ISE-Maßnahmen, Schiffsprojekte)
- Heilpädagogische Angebote
IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. | Europe@DJHT
IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany
Who are we? IJAB is an association of independent and public child and youth welfare organisations in Germany. As a network and national centre, we shape European and global exchange and cooperation in the youth sector. IJAB promotes the interests of the field of international youth work and is committed to exchange, cooperation and the further development of practical work. IJAB offers its member organisations, young people and all child and youth service stakeholders advice, professional support and training opportunities for their international work. As cooperation partner of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, we support the implementation of the ministry's projects in the field of international youth work and youth policy. IJAB is also the legal entity of JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport and European Solidarity Corps.
Qualifizierung von Fachkräften der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit
Infos, Werkzeuge und Mitmachangebote rund um die internationale Jugendarbeit
Internationale Kooperationen
Beratung und Information
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus e. V. (BAG RelEx) | Europe@DJHT
Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation
Now boasting over thirty member organisations across Germany, BAG RelEx brings together a broad range of approaches and methods and reflects its members’ long-standing experience in the field. We provide our member organisations with a forum for exchanging expertise and also serve as a point of contact for other institutions and actors in Germany and Europe. The BAG RelEx thus stands for a good practice on facilitating civil society networking and professional exchange, both in Germany and on a European level.
Due to its current sociopolitical relevance, preventing Islamism is the key focus of our work. That is why, in early 2020, we teamed up with Violence Prevention Network and ufuq.de to establish the Competence Network “Islamist Extremism” (KN:IX). In addition, we engage with other forms of religiously motivated radicalisation, addressing the pedagogical and societal challenges they pose. Since autumn 2022, we have also been involved in the multi-agency project PrEval, which was set up to explore issues of evaluation and quality control in extremism prevention, democracy support and political education.
Publikationen, Fachveranstaltungen und Podcast | Publications, panel discussions and podcast
Evaluation, Professionalisierung und Qualitätssicherung | evaluation, professionalisation and quality management
Interessenvertretung für zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure | lobbying for civil society actors
Deutsch-Griechisches Jugendwerk | Europe@DJHT
We are an international organisation that promotes German-Greek youth exchanges and professional youth worker exchanges.
-Info-Counter mit Materialien
ConAct - Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Israelischer Jugendaustausch | Europe@DJHT
ConAct - Coordination Center German Israeli Youth Exchange
- Beratung deutsch-israelischer Projektpartnerschaften zur Konzeption und Umsetzung gemeinsamer Jugendaustausch- und Fachkräfteprogramme
- Erstellung pädagogischer Handreichungen für die inhaltliche Vorbereitung und praktische Durchführung deutsch-israelischer Jugendbegegnungen
- Erarbeitung zentraler Fragestellungen zur Weiterentwicklung deutsch-israelischer Begegnungen – generationenübergreifend und im Bewusstsein der spezifischen deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen
- Konzeption von Seminarangeboten zum Erfahrungsaustausch und Fachtagungen zur Weiterbildung für Jugendgruppenleiter*innen und Multiplikator*innen im deutsch-israelischen Austausch
- Entwicklung neuer Ideen und Pilotprojekte im deutsch-israelischen Jugendaustausch
- Gestaltung des Prozesses zur Entwicklung eines Deutsch-Israelischen Jugendwerks
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus e. V. (BAG RelEx) | Europe@DJHT
Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation
Now boasting over thirty member organisations across Germany, BAG RelEx brings together a broad range of approaches and methods and reflects its members’ long-standing experience in the field. We provide our member organisations with a forum for exchanging expertise and also serve as a point of contact for other institutions and actors in Germany and Europe. The BAG RelEx thus stands for a good practice on facilitating civil society networking and professional exchange, both in Germany and on a European level.
Due to its current sociopolitical relevance, preventing Islamism is the key focus of our work. That is why, in early 2020, we teamed up with Violence Prevention Network and ufuq.de to establish the Competence Network “Islamist Extremism” (KN:IX). In addition, we engage with other forms of religiously motivated radicalisation, addressing the pedagogical and societal challenges they pose. Since autumn 2022, we have also been involved in the multi-agency project PrEval, which was set up to explore issues of evaluation and quality control in extremism prevention, democracy support and political education.
Publikationen, Fachveranstaltungen und Podcast | Publications, panel discussions and podcast
Evaluation, Professionalisierung und Qualitätssicherung | evaluation, professionalisation and quality management
Interessenvertretung für zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure | lobbying for civil society actors
AVP e.V. | Europe@DJHT
Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradicalisation
Das Projekt streetwork@online ist ein bundesweites Projekt, welches das Ziel verfolgt, islamistisch-extremistischen Inhalten auf Social Media entgegenzuwirken. Das Projekt bietet Jugendlichen Informationen und Ressourcen, um sie für die Risiken von Radikalisierung zu sensibilisieren und ihnen dabei zu helfen, sichere und positive Online Communities zu schaffen und zu erhalten. Dafür wird in islamistisch geprägten Online-Netzwerken das Gespräch mit der Zielgruppe gesucht, um ihr Reflexionsvermögen zu stärken, Wertevermittlung gemäß der FDGO zu leisten und sie bei ihrer Identitätsbildung zu unterstützen. Das Team, bestehend aus 14 Mitarbeiter*innen an den Standorten Berlin, Hamburg und Düsseldorf ist auf Plattformen wie Instagram, Facebook oder TikTok und neuerdings auch auf Telegram und Discord unterwegs.
Das Projekt wird durch das BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge) gefördert.
Projekt CEOPS:
CEOPS steht für Center for Education on Online Prevention in Social Networks und bietet seit Juni 2021 bundesweit digitale Lehrgänge zum Thema Online-Prävention an.
In unseren mehrwöchigen, digitalen Lehrgängen werden junge Engagierte im Alter von 15-27 Jahren für extremistische Inhalte im Internet sensibilisiert und in Medienkompetenz geschult.
Im Sinne der Peer-Education sollen die Teilnehmenden dazu befähigt werden, sich in ihren eigenen Online-Communities selbstbewusst zu positionieren und niedrigschwelliges Online-Streetwork zu leisten.
Unser Programm richtet sich zum einen an Schüler*innen ab 15 Jahren und zum anderen an junge engagierte Menschen aus dem Kontext von Nichtregierungsorganisationen. Für beide Zielgruppen gibt es ein jeweils angepasstes Lehrgangsformat.
Das Projekt wird gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Migration, Flüchtlinge und Integration zugleich Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Antirassismus.
Local Streetwork online/offline:
Im Düsseldorfer Projekt „Local Streetwork online/offline“ stellen wir seit 2020 auf der Grundlage zugleich on- und offline basierter Maßnahmen Zugänge zu Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mit einer Nähe zum islamistischen Extremismus her und entwickeln und erproben Methoden, um (Online-)Kontakte in persönliche Arbeitsbeziehungen lokal vor Ort zu überführen und mit ihnen Präventions- und ggf. De-Radikalisierungsarbeit zu leisten. Darin bieten wir mit unserem 5-köpfigen Team:
1. a) Online-Streetwork in einschlägigen sozialen Netzwerken der Zielgruppe unter
b) gleichzeitiger Offline-Anbindung durch lokale Streetwork-Arbeit in den Sozialräumen im Raum Düsseldorf.
2. (individuelle) Distanzierungsarbeit mit einstiegsgefährdeten Jugendlichen
3. ressourcenorientierte Gruppenangebote mit Möglichkeiten zur niederschwelligen Online- Teilnahme
Das Projekt wird gefördert durch das Bundesprogramm „Demokratie leben“.
Projekt Exon:
„EXON“ steht für „Extremismusprävention Online“ und ist seit 2024 ein politisches Bildungsangebot in Niedersachsen. Pädagogische Fachkräfte gelten als Schlüsselakteure in der Radikalisierungsprävention. Deshalb vermittelt das Projekt pädagogischen Fachkräften in der Jugendarbeit, Multiplikator*innen in der Präventionsarbeit und Verantwortlichen der kommunalen Jugendförderung und Schulsozialarbeit Wissen über islamistisch-extremistische Narrativen, Mobilisierungsstrategien aus der Peripherie des religiös begründeten Extremismus und Radikalisierungsfaktoren im Netz. Der Fokus wird auf die Entstehung, Wirkung und Prävention von gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit gelegt. Im Austausch werden die Wirkungszusammenhänge von erfahrenem antimuslimischem Rassismus, Diskriminierung und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe diskutiert, eine intersektionale und gendersensible Perspektive eröffnet und Methoden zur Medienkompetenz erarbeitet. Darüber hinaus wird ein Angebot geschaffen, das die bereits bestehenden Sozialangebote der Lehrgangsteilnehmenden durch webbasierte Angebote in den Sozialen Medien zu ergänzen soll.
Sozialtherapeutisches Zentrum Gut Priemern gGmbH | Europe@DJHT
Young people don't need likes - they need our interest, attention and real contacts.
Ausgestaltung der Produkt- und Leistungsangebote erfolgt in einer internen Arbeitsgruppe und kann zum Herbst 2024 zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
babybedenkzeit GmbH | Europe@DJHT
Young people experience first-hand the changes that come along with having a baby.
Restrictions in everyday life, lack of sleep, responsibility for the baby's prosperity and safety are experiences that cannot be learned in theory. At the same time, the parenting experience is often the first moment at which participants really think about their own future planning: How do I want to organize my life? Do I want children, how many and when? Do I want to live in a relationship and what should that look like? Where and how do I want to live? Who will help me when things get difficult?
What do I have to do now to achieve this?
How do I behave during pregnancy so that my baby is born healthy and what do I do if I feel overloaded?
During the parenting internship, participants are responsible for looking after a baby simulator for a few days and nights. He needs to be fed, changed and comforted, needs to be burped and cries if he is handled roughly. The baby's computer records how well or poorly it was cared for.
Various topics can be discussed when meeting with the participants: health and safety, life plans, development and baby care, alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, shaken baby syndrome and much more.
The pregnancy simulator shows the physical limitations of a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester and is very suitable for giving boys access to the topic.
The experience of the parenting internship is unforgettable for most young people, influences their personal life and often career choices.
Durchführung von Anwenderseminaren
- Babymodell 'alkoholgeschädigt'
- Babymodell 'drogengeschädigt'
- Shaken Baby Syndrom Simulator
- Schwangerschaftssimulator
- Anwenderseminare für Pädagogen (Theorie und Praxis)
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Radikalisierungsprävention und Demokratieförderung e.V. (IZRD) | Europe@DJHT
Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradikalisation
We have been implementing innovative projects in these areas of work since 2023, including offers for advice, further education and training. We also offer networking opportunities and expert discussions for our members. If you are also interested in our services, you are welcome to find out more here and on our project websites or contact us directly. We look forward to hearing from you and hearing your ideas for future cooperation. Because only together can we counter extremist manifestations in our society, both preventively and intervening.
We are looking forward to talk to you about our projects and programmes!
Veritas - Beratungsstelle für Betroffene von Verschwörungserzählungen des Landes Berlin unterstützt vor allem das persönliche und berufliche Umfeld von verschwörungsgläubigen Menschen. Die erfahrenen Berater*innen bieten sowohl telefonische, Mail-, Online- sowie auch vor Ort Beratung in Berlin an. Das Team berät einzelfall-, lösungs- und ressourcenorientiert. Üblicherweise begleitet unser Team Klient*innen dabei mittel- und längerfristig über mehrere Sitzungen. Grundlage unseres Wirkens bildet die systemische Beratung, die nach Bedarf und Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeitenden um Ansätze der klientenzentrierten Beratung und Gestalttherapie sowie Kompetenzen in der Mediation ergänzt wird. Die Beratung erfolgt stets vertraulich und kostenfrei.
Der Fortbildungskurs - Kinderschutz, religiös begründeter Extremismus & antidemokratische Weltanschauungen bildet Fachkräfte von Berliner (Grund-)Schulen (Lehrkräfte, Schulsozialarbeiter*innen, Schulpsycholog*innen, o.Ä.) sowie der (offenen) Kinder- und Jugendarbeit fort. In acht Modulen lernen die Teilnehmenden, Situationen im Kontext von Radikalisierung und religiös begründetem Extremismus im Zusammenhang mit Kindeswohl und Kindeswohlgefährdungsfragen einzuordnen. Sie trainieren praxisnah, die Resilienz betroffener Kinder und Jugendlicher zu stärken und mit Erziehungsberechtigten sowie Kolleg*innen konstruktiv ins Gespräch zu gehen. Darüber hinaus erhalten sie einen Überblick darüber, welche Hilfs- und Unterstützungsangebote in Berlin bestehen und tragen als Multiplikator*in entsprechendes Wissen in Ihr Arbeitsfeld. Das gewonnene Wissen integrieren die Teilnehmenden in das (bestehende) Kinderschutzkonzept Ihrer Einrichtung.
Im Projekt „WelEx“ erarbeitet das IZRD eine umfangreiche E-Learning-Weiterbildung, die für Fachkräfte der (kommunalen) Jugendämter angeboten werden soll. Ziel ist es, innerhalb behördlicher Kinder- und Jugendhilfestrukturen Fachkräfte zu Weltanschauungs- und Extremismusbeauftragten (WelEx) weiterzubilden und sie dabei zu unterstützen, diese Zuständigkeit innerhalb behördlicher Strukturen zu etablieren und institutionell zu verankern.
Die Radikalisierungs- und Extremismusprävention ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe. Auch Jugendämter werden maßgeblich und zunehmend mit Falllagen und Herausforderungen im Kontext von Radikalisierung und Extremismus konfrontiert, wenn diese den Kinder- und Jugendschutz und Fragen rund um Kindeswohlgefährdung mittelbar oder auch unmittelbar berühren. Somit sind die Prävention und Intervention von Radikalisierung und Extremismus auch zentrale Aufgabe der (kommunalen) Jugendämter und eng mit dem Kernauftrag des Kinder- und Jugendschutzes (nach SGB VIII) verwoben. Übergeordnetes Ziel des Projekts ist es, diesem spezifischen Auftrag in Form einer zentralen Zuständigkeit als WelEx-Beauftragte*r innerhalb der kommunalen Kinder und Jugendhilfe gerecht zu werden und die Jugendämter in der Qualifizierung und Implementierung dieses Auftrags und Handlungsfelds zu unterstützen.
Außerdem stellen wir das Methodenlehrbuch "Extrem. Kompetent. Beraten." für Berater*innen in der Umfeld-, Distanzierungs- und Ausstiegsarbeit im Kontext religiös begründeter Extremismus vor. Das Buch enthält neben einer Einführung ins Arbeitsfeld verschiedene Gesprächs- und Fragetechniken sowie über 60 konkrete Methoden und Übungen für verschiedene Sitzungsthemen der Beratung. Im Fokus steht dabei die Beratung von Klient*innen, die direkt als Distanzierungswillige bzw. Aussteiger*innen oder auch indirekt als Personen aus dem sozialen Umfeld (z.B. Eltern, weitere Familienangehörige, Freund*innen sowie auch Fachkräfte) mit religiös begründetem Extremismus zu tun haben. Das Lehrbuch ist an der Praxis orientiert und aus dieser heraus entstanden. Es werden kostenfreie Exemplare vor Ort herausgegeben.
Vereinigung Pestalozzi gem GmbH | Europe@DJHT
Religiously Motivated Extremism: Information, Prevention, Disengagement & Deradikalisation
In our socially oriented care stations located in various districts of Hamburg, services of outpatient child and youth welfare according to §§ 28, 29, 30, and § 31 of the SGB VIII and services of outpatient social psychiatry according to the SGB IX are provided. We offer counseling in temporarily difficult life situations and long-term support. In addition to outpatient educational support services, we offer various counseling services, open children's and youth facilities, as well as inpatient and semi-inpatient residential services for child and youth welfare according to §34 and §35 SGB VII.
As part of the Legato consortium, we carry out three projects:
• Legato Systemic Exit Counseling: Specialist counseling center for religiously motivated conflicts
• Municipal Counseling: Prevention and social cohesion
• Qualification Course (Family and Environment) Counseling in the phenomenon area of Islamist-inspired extremism and conspiracy thinking
The exhibition booth, together with BAG RelEx and other partners, offers Vereinigung Pestalozzi the opportunity to present the Legato projects to to the specialist audience and to exchange experiences in the work at the interfaces of child and youth welfare and prevention of radicalization.
Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Projekten, die sich entweder an Jugendliche und Familien richten (Legato Beratung, Legato HZE) und dabei professionelle Hilfesysteme der KJH einbeziehen oder die sich direkt an Fachkräfte der KJH wenden (Kommunale Fachberatung).
Berater*innen der jeweiligen Projekte stehen für Gespräche, Fragen und Antworten am Stand bereit.
Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch | Europe@DJHT
#MameToInDerHand – Youth exchange between Germany and the Czech Republic
JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps | Europe@DJHT
Meet Europe
Wir laden Besucher*innen ein sich zu eigenen Projektideen am Stand beraten zu lassen und halten Infomaterialien zu den Möglichkeiten und Richtlinien der EU-Programme bereit. Wir informieren außerdem zu Angeboten von SALTO / Youthpass.
Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW) | Europe@DJHT
Specialist and funding centres for European and international youth work
- Exchanges among schools and university students
- Partnerships between cities and regions
- Encounters in the context of sports, culture, theatre, music or environmental protection
- Language courses
- Internships and exchange in the field of vocational education and training
- Scholarships for specialist seminars and research
In addition to this, the FGYO sponsors trilateral encounters with young people from Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.
The FGYO works with numerous partners, institutions and project sponsors based on the principle of subsidiarity. The aim of this effort is
- to intensify Franco-German relations
- to promote intercultural learning
- to impart key skills for Europe
- to arouse curiosity about the partner language
- to strengthen levels of participation among young people
- to offer all young people an opportunity to take part in mobility programmes
- to share with other countries the experiences of Franco-German youth exchange and the work of remembrance and peace
Since 2015, the "Diversity and Participation" strategy has aimed to make exchange programs more accessible and, in particular, to reach young people who previously had little or no access due to exclusion mechanisms, (structural) experiences of discrimination or other barriers.
On our exhibition stand, the Diversity and Participation Specialist Network between Saxony and Occitanie will be presented together with our local partners, Europa-Direkt e. V. Dresden and Europa-Haus Leipzig e. V.
Auch stellen wir das Fachkräftenetzwerke Diversität und Partizipation zwischen Sachsen und der Occitanie gemeinsam mit unseren lokalen Partnern vor Ort, Europa-Direkt e. V. Dresden sowie Europa-Haus Leipzig e. V., vor.
Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg / GOEUROPE! | Europe@DJHT
Quality Label for Youth Centres of the Council of Europe
This project aims at knowledge sharing and networking among youth centres across Europe.
Stiftung DRJA -Projekt Play it foward | Europe@DJHT
Play it forward - the VR Lounge of International Youth Work
Under the auspices of the German-Russian Youth Exchange Foundation, the innovation project ‘Play it Forward’ has opened up the virtual space for international youth work.
As part of our presence at the DJHT, we would like to encourage organisations to become actively involved in project development.
In the VR Lounge, interested trade fair visitors will be given low-threshold access to virtual reality (VR). Together, we will take our first steps, familiarise ourselves with project concepts and reflect on the potential and risks of virtual space.
Depending on its size, the ‘Play it Forward - VR Lounge’ stand will give 8 to 12 people access to the world of VR at the same time and open up access to a wider audience.
The Foundation for German-Russian Youth Exchange will be transformed and change its name in the course of 2025. As the ‘Play it Forward’ project is not specifically aimed at German-Russian youth exchange, it will (as things stand at present) remain in the foreground as a brand for activities in this area until the organisation's path is clearer.
- 8-12 Plätze für den zeitgleichen Besuch von VR mit entsprechender Technik und Möbel (VR-Brille, Ablagen, Sicherheitsmarkierungen)
- Reflexionsgespräche zu Potentialen und Risiken von VR in der Jugendarbeit
- Expertinnen-gespräche zu mediendidaktischen Konzepten zum Bau eigener VR-Welten und didaktischen Konzepten
Keine Einträge vorhanden.