Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)

The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is an international organisation in service of the Franco-German friendship. We present ourselves together with the other funding agencies for European and international youth work and local partners.

The FGYO promotes youth exchange and projects between Germany and France. This includes:

- Exchanges among schools and university students
- Partnerships between cities and regions
- Encounters in the context of sports, culture, theatre, music or environmental protection
- Language courses
- Internships and exchange in the field of vocational education and training
- Scholarships for specialist seminars and research

In addition to this, the FGYO sponsors trilateral encounters with young people from Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.

The FGYO works with numerous partners, institutions and project sponsors based on the principle of subsidiarity. The aim of this effort is

- to intensify Franco-German relations
- to promote intercultural learning
- to impart key skills for Europe
- to arouse curiosity about the partner language
- to strengthen levels of participation among young people
- to offer all young people an opportunity to take part in mobility programmes
- to share with other countries the experiences of Franco-German youth exchange and the work of remembrance and peace

Since 2015, the "Diversity and Participation" strategy has aimed to make exchange programs more accessible and, in particular, to reach young people who previously had little or no access due to exclusion mechanisms, (structural) experiences of discrimination or other barriers.
On our exhibition stand, the Diversity and Participation Specialist Network between Saxony and Occitanie will be presented together with our local partners, Europa-Direkt e. V. Dresden and Europa-Haus Leipzig e. V.