AVP e.V.

AVP e.V. has been conducting pioneering work in the field of online street work to prevent extremism and promote democracy since 2017. The organisation also runs projects to teach key skills to various target groups.

AVP e.V. is a recognised independent provider of child and youth welfare services (in accordance with Section 75 KJHG) based in Düsseldorf and is committed to promoting the education and development of young people. Since 2003, we have been providing educational support (in accordance with § 27ff. SGB VIII) for families on behalf of local authorities. We offer counselling services and support with parenting issues and the development of parenting skills, experiences of violence and addiction, migration-related insecurities and support for children and young people on their educational path. We offer stationary educational support in residential groups for self-reliance (§ 34/ 41 SGB VIII), provide resocialisation for young prisoners and create offers to promote democracy and prevent various forms of group-related enmity. Our services are complemented by youth work focussing on political education, media education, violence prevention and personal development. AVP e.V. is a member of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft religiös begründeter Extremismus (BAG RelEx), the Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, the Bundesverband russischsprachiger Eltern (BVRE), the paritätische Jugendwerk NRW, the Elternnetzwerk NRW and the Kriminalpräventiver Rat Düsseldorf , among others.