Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk
The German-Polish Youth Office promotes German-Polish and trilateral youth exchange, offers advice for organisers, online and live training for beginners and advanced participants, handouts and method handbooks.
The German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW) enables young Germans and Poles to meet and work together so that they can get to know each other, become curious about each other, develop empathy for each other and form friendships. We are partners for youth organizations, youth initiatives and institutions for young people and also for schools. We support them in organizing youth encounters by providing financial support, information, advice and further training.
We would like to present ourselves in a joint stand area with the other specialist and funding agencies for European and international youth work on the marketplace Europa Europe@DJHT. We ask that all the stands of the specialist and funding agencies for international and European youth work ConAct - Coordination Centre German-Israeli Youth Exchange, German-French Youth Office, German-Greek Youth Office, German-Polish Youth Office, German-Turkish Youth Bridge, IJAB - Office for International Youth Work, Youth for Europe - National Agency Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport and European Solidarity Corps, Tandem - Coordination Centre German Czech Youth Exchange can be placed in a coherent stand area without partition walls, so that we can turn our stands into a common stand area.
At its stand, the German-Polish Youth Office will provide information on its funding programs for German-Polish and trilateral youth exchanges. It will also present its comprehensive trainings (online and live) for beginners and advanced organizers as well as its publications on various aspects of German-Polish youth encounters (language animation, diversity, method handbooks, etc.).