IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.

The session "Youth, Peace and Security" will discuss the implementation of UN Resolution 2250. A panel of young people, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office and youth actors will discuss the potential of youth participation in peace and security issues.

Russia's renewed and ongoing attack on Ukraine has brought war and conflict to the heart of Europe, making issues and fears that were long considered "far away" for many part of everyday life. For young people in particular, life has changed drastically, and the effects can be felt on a daily basis. Through this, the central importance of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015) and the positive role of young people in peace and security processes are becoming increasingly clear and the member states of the United Nations are called upon to involve them at all levels. The Youth, Peace and Security Agenda (YPS) therefore calls for and strengthens the participation of young people in shaping peace processes and involving them in security issues. In this sense, YPS actors emphasize the importance of the necessary, far-reaching involvement of young people in democratic negotiation processes and the practical implementation of peace and security measures. This raises the question of what role national and international youth work can play in fulfilling its peace-building mission - and what this means in concrete terms.

The session "Youth, peace and security: UN Resolution 2250 and its significance for youth work" will deal with this topic and related issues. As part of introductory keynotes (english) and a panel discussion (german), various YPS actors will report on their experiences of implementing Resolution 2250. A representative from the Nordic Coalition on Youth Peace and Security will talk about the national implementation of the agenda and describe which steps they believe should be taken and which initiatives they are already implementing themselves.

Finally, the thematic discussion will focus on Germany, as the YPS agenda emphasizes that its implementation is necessary and required in all contexts - regardless of the (non-)existence of acute armed conflicts. Among other things, it will be discussed what framework conditions are needed to effectively implement UN Resolution 2250 in Germany and what contribution can be made here to democratic participation and, not least, the resilience of democracy(ies). Practical examples from our work with young people show that we act in line with the UN resolutions on an almost daily basis - but rarely explicitly state this. What can and must peace work mean in different contexts, and how can we also strengthen these complex issues at regional level? Whether it is a guided cooking evening with other young people, discussing and arguing about ideas for peacekeeping, or sending delegates to the United Nations - there are numerous ways to give people the opportunity to make their contribution to peace work. The German Coalition for Youth, Peace and Security, representatives of the Federal Foreign Office, youth work and committed young people from youth associations will discuss how this can be achieved and what it takes.

Further information


IJAB ist ein Zusammenschluss freier und öffentlicher Träger der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. Als Netzwerk und bundeszentrale Struktur gestaltet IJAB europäischen und weltweiten Austausch und Kooperationen im Jugendbereich.