Vortrag + Diskussion
IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Various youth surveys on the mobility of young people in Europe will be carried out by the Eurodesk network in Europe in 2024. The results of the surveys will be exclusively presented and discussed in this lecture at the DJHT.
Various youth surveys on the mobility of young people in Europe will be carried out by the Eurodesk network in 2024.
On the one hand, the European Eurodesk network is conducting the Eurodesk Survey 2024/25, which captures the voices and opinions of young people from all over Europe. Every three years this survey context of youth information on learning mobility.
The Eurodesk Survey aims to gather the experiences and opinions of young people and adults from 13 to over 35 years old. It researches different aspects related to youth information and learning mobility, targeting both mobile and non-mobile youth. It looks at the experiences young people have when searching for mobility information, which sources they prefer and how they would like to be approached. It looks at the obstacles and benefits of learning mobility, and asks young people for suggestions of how youth information on mobility opportunities can improve.
On the other hand, Eurodesk Germany will launch a scientifically supported survey among German young people during 2024. This survey will have a look at the needs, obstacles and support mechanisms for youngsters in Germany concerning international learning mobility. This survey will focus particularly on access to relevant information on participation in youth mobility opportunities.
In the lecture, the results of both surveys will be presented by the implementing organisations (Eurodesk Brussels Link and Eurodesk Germany) and the resulting findings for youth information in Germany and Europe will then be discussed with the participants present.
Further information
IJAB ist ein Zusammenschluss freier und öffentlicher Träger der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland. Als Netzwerk und bundeszentrale Struktur gestaltet IJAB europäischen und weltweiten Austausch und Kooperationen im Jugendbereich.
Project / department
Eurodesk Netzwerk