Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
What is youth policy and how can the perspectives of young people be taken into account in all policy fields? The Centre for European Youth Policy (DJI) discusses the concept of "youth mainstreaming" and its interaction in and with youth policy in Germany and Europe.
Fridays for Future and Last Generation have shown that climate policy affects everyone, and the younger generations in particular want to be heard. Does this mean that climate policy is also youth policy? At the very least, a political shift can be observed in Germany and Europe towards considering and taking into account the perspectives, interests and needs of young people not only in child and youth policy, but also in other policy areas - such as climate policy. In Germany, for example, the Youth Check and the Interministerial Working Group on Youth were introduced as part of the federal youth policy. Such developments can also be observed in Europe: With the concept of "youth mainstreaming" and the accompagnying youth test, the European Union highlights the participation of young people is those policy fields relevant to them. The Council of Europe also wants to take greater account of a "youth perspective" in its organisation.
What do these developments mean for the understanding of youth policy? What can "youth mainstreaming" look like in concrete terms, and what role does youth participation play in this? These and other questions will be discussed in the workshop.
To this end, the European Youth Policy Centre will first give an input in which youth policy will be presented as a spectrum and the developments surrounding "youth mainstreaming" will be discussed. This will be followed by a discussion in small groups with the audience on how youth policy, under the conceptual conditions of youth mainstreaming, can be given new impetus in Germany.
Forschung zu Kindern, Jugendlichen und Familien an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft, Politik und Fachpraxis
Project / department
Arbeitsstelle europäische Jugendpolitik/ Abteilung Jugend und Jugendhilfe