JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Feel invited to co-create the future of youth work! Discover the opportunities of the European Youth Work Agenda for youth work in Germany and the upcoming steps towards its implementation. Find out how you can get involved and develop impulses to the European debate on youth work.

United not alone! The European Youth Work Agenda and its opportunities for the future of youth work in Germany

Help shape the future of youth work!

Times are changing, and so are the challenges youth work is facing. A shortage of skilled workers, insufficient funding and a lack of recognition are just some of the problems that professionals and organisations have to deal with today. The European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) is a joint response to these challenges. It provides a framework for the further development of youth work in Europe and aims to make it more accessible, innovative and of higher quality.

In this workshop, we will capitalise on the tailwind from Europe for the German field of youth work. We are doing this shortly before the 4th European Youth Work Convention, which will take place in Malta at the end of May 2025 and which is a platform for the entire youth work community of practice from up to 50 European countries that takes place every five years. In this workshop, we will explore the EYWA together and discuss how it can inspire and support German youth work. We will develop topics and ideas that Germany can contribute to the European expert debate at the convention. We will also discuss concrete next steps for a lively community process that hits the nerve and supports the practice of youth work.

What can you expect?

-> Insights into the EYWA and the Bonn Process: JUGEND für Europa and the National Contact Point for the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Germany will present the Agenda, its goals and opportunities for participation for professionals and organisations.

-> Opportunities for German youth work community of practice: Together we will discuss how the EYWA can support the further development of youth work in Germany.

-> Exchange of experiences and networking: Share your ideas and experiences and make connect with other youth work professionals.

Help shape the future: Together we will develop impulses for the European professional debate as well as concrete steps for the implementation of the EYWA in Germany.

Further information


Nationale Agentur Erasmus Jugend, Europäisches Solidaritätskorps und Erasmus+ Sport

Project / department

Europäische Jugendpolitik und Jugendarbeit