JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

Should youth work fear or embrace the development of digital technologies? This event explores the role of youth work in digitalised societies, in light of AI-based tools and support mechanisms available to youth workers to engage with them.

This event invites participants to critically discuss issues around artificial intelligence (AI) and youth work. The discussion will be initiated and inspired by short presentations from different perspectives, such as a young person's experience with AI-based youth work offers, inspiring practical examples experimenting with digital aspects, and insights from the European policy level on possible strategies and long-term perspectives.
The interactive event will be based on several questions, taking into account the interest of the participants:

- How democratic is AI? What values underpin youth work in the digital sphere? What responsibilities do youth workers have in this context?
- How do AI-based tools affect young people's psychological and social development as well as their democratic potential and participation?
- Can digitalisation support the quest for social inclusion and promote more inclusive participation of all young people? If so, how?
- How should European youth policy support youth work practice in addressing and adapting to the digital transformation affecting young people and their participation?

The event aims to stimulate questions and inspiration that can be transferred to participants' own work contexts and will include a moment to reflect on individual takeaways.


Wir fördern non-formale und informelle Bildung und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität, unterstützen die jugend- und engagementpolitische Zusammenarbeit und die Weiterentwicklung der Jugendarbeit und stärken die europäische Idee im deutschen Breitensport.