Tandem – Koordinierungszentrum Deutsch-Tschechischer Jugendaustausch

You don't have to travel halfway around the world for an exciting international exchange experience: our neighbouring country, the Czech Republic, is ideal for diverse and sustainable encounters. The Czech-German Youth Exchange Coordination Centres – Tandem show you the possibilities.

People in Germany and the Czech Republic are not only connected by centuries of shared history, but also by an 817-kilometre-long open border. The Czech-German Youth Exchange Coordination Centres – Tandem support encounters between children and young people as well as professional exchanges between the two countries. At the event, we will be presenting our programmes and services in the extracurricular, school, vocational and pre-school sectors. Visitors will gain practical insights from various examples of good practice: Christoph David Schumacher from Tüpfelhausen – Das Familienportal e.V. (Leipzig) reports on programmes such as a German-Czech-Israeli work camp or the award-winning ‘International, intercultural football encounter festival’. Tandem's current (funding) focus for the years 2024-2026 "#MameToInDerHand – Shaping together, acting sustainably!" enables special forms of cooperation for those active in extracurricular youth work in particular. Tandem uses the creative method of German-Czech language animation to break the ice during youth encounters. Visitors can also try this out for themselves and pick up their first words of Czech in the process. Tandem is an organisation of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth with the task of facilitating friendly relationships between young people from Germany and the Czech Republic. Tandem supports the search for partners, offers financial support, German-Czech language animation and provides advice and qualifications on all topics relating to the planning and organisation of German-Czech encounters between children and young people. The services are aimed at voluntary and full-time youth work professionals, teachers from all types of schools, educators and young people.

Further information



Tandem ist die zentrale Fachstelle für den Jugend- und Schulaustausch zwischen Deutschland und Tschechien. Wir helfen bei der Kontaktsuche, unterstützen bei der Durchführung von Projekten und fördern deutsch-tschechische Begegnungen finanziell.

Project / department

Außerschulischer Austausch