Vortrag + Diskussion
CJD Deutschland

- Focus on young people with refugee experience (facts and figures)
- Escape Stories (Trauma and Resource)
- Video clip (wishes and needs of young people with refugee experience; Welcoming culture)
- Practical examples of successful integration

- Introductory lecture on facts and figures in the field of unaccompanied refugee young people (10 minutes)

- Presentation of escape stories with a focus on the resources available and created as a result (10 minutes)

- Video clip by and with young people with refugee experience (experiences, wishes and needs) (5 minutes)

- young people report on their own experiences in child and youth welfare at the CJD (10-15 minutes)

- Discourse with the participants on the successful integration of young people with refugee experience with practical examples from residential groups for young unaccompanied refugees (30 minutes)

Further information



Das CJD ist ein bundesweit agierendes Sozial- und Bildungsunternehmen mit den Fachbereichen
- Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe
- Elementarpädagogik
- berufliche Bildung
- Wohnen und Begleiten
- Arbeit und Beschäftigung
- Schulische Bildung

Project / department

Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienhilfe