Hochschule Düsseldorf, Forschungsschwerpunkt Wohlfahrtsverbände/Sozialwirtschaft

In this workshop, the participants, Danish and German researchers will discuss the benefits of national changes of perspective in order to find ideas for good conditions for collaboration between youth welfare and schools.

Using the example of the structural conditions of child and youth welfare in Denmark, this workshop will focus on the benefits of inter-European comparisons. In dialogue with the workshop participants, Danish and German researchers, the question of how changing national perspectives can lead to ideas for good collaboration conditions between youth welfare and schools will be considered.

As input for this discussion on the one hand, Danish researchers from the University of Applied Sciences UC Syd in South Jutland will provide information on how child and youth welfare is organised in Denmark. The new Danish Barnets Lov (Children's Act) and the ‘Helhedsorientering’ (holistic orientation) play an important role here. On the other hand, a German researcher uses her study of cooperation between the school and youth welfare system at local authority level in Denmark to explain, how suggestions from a foreign social welfare system can be used to gain insights for school social work in Germany and where these are limited. Specifically, the focus is on the structural barriers in the collaboriation between the school and youth welfare system that school social work is confronted with.
The workshop participants will be asked to contribute their national perspectives on the problems of collaboration between the two systems to the discussion.

Further information


Der Forschungsschwerpunkt widmet sich handlungsorientierter Forschung und Beratung zur "Produktion von Wohlfahrt". Im Fokus stehen regionale, verbandsspezifische oder allgemein sozialwirtschaftliche Fragestellungen.

Project / department

Forschungsschwerpunkt Wohlfahrtsverbände/Sozialwirtschaft