JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
What are successful youth work approaches to support the participation of young migrants and refugees in an inclusive and sustainable way? This event aims to inspire the further development of youth work practices that support all young people in their diversity to participate.
How can youth work provide the necessary leverage and support young migrants, refugees, and displaced persons to participate in an inclusive and sustainable way? The event will facilitate discussion on a number of questions around this topic. The discussion will be introduced by short inputs with different perspectives: stories of young people with a migrant or refugee background, findings from research on empowering young people with a migrant or refugee background, and inspiring practices from migrant or refugee self-organisations at local level. The questions to be highlighted and discussed are diverse and also be guided by the interests of the participants:
- What kind of support and strategic (cross-sectoral) cooperation is needed to sustain inclusive youth work practice for young people with migrant and refugee backgrounds and to promote the post-migrant perspective of migration as a fact of reality?
- What influences youth workers and their practice in the contexts, in which youth work supporting young people with a migrant and/or refugee background takes place?
- What are the possibilities and limitations of youth work in view of the (European) political impact of migration and its consequences for young people?
- How do young people with a migrant and/or refugee background feel about youth work in relation to integration prospects and their general well-being?
The aim of the event is to initiate critical discussions but also to provide inspiration for advancing youth work approaches that empower and support all young people in their diversity.
Wir fördern non-formale und informelle Bildung und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität, unterstützen die jugend- und engagementpolitische Zusammenarbeit und die Weiterentwicklung der Jugendarbeit und stärken die europäische Idee im deutschen Breitensport.