JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

How do the policy objectives of international learning mobility of young people relate to the Sustainable Development Goals? This event will assess international learning mobility from a climate change perspective and aims to inspire the design of inclusive and sustainable youth mobility projects.

The topic of climate change has a direct impact on forms and questions of mobility and is therefore a highly relevant future topic with massive implications, especially for international exchange formats and funding programmes. The aim of the event is to inform and critically discuss sustainable practices of organisations working with learning mobility formats and their support through (European) funding programmes. This includes a critical assessment of international learning mobility from the perspective of climate change, but also highlighting approaches at practical level. Short presentations will introduce the topic from different perspectives, such as young people's experiences with international learning mobility and sustainable lifestyles, research and analysis on the relationship between youth, mobility, and climate change, as well as opportunities and challenges in the practical implementation of projects. The main part of the programme will invite participants to exchange and develop ideas and recommendations for the future design and implementation of international learning mobility in line with sustainability efforts and needs. Questions that will guide the exchange and discussion include:

- How could or should international learning mobility reinforce young people's engagement with sustainability topics?
- What makes international learning mobility projects both sustainable and inclusive?
- What kind of support is available to organisations working with learning mobiliy formats and what else do they need to support the path to sustainability for young people, professionals, and international learning mobility projects?

The ideas and recommendations may feed into further political discussions and processes, such as the shaping of the future generation of EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) from 2028.


Wir fördern non-formale und informelle Bildung und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität, unterstützen die jugend- und engagementpolitische Zusammenarbeit und die Weiterentwicklung der Jugendarbeit und stärken die europäische Idee im deutschen Breitensport.