Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW)
How can Franco-German or international youth exchanges be a place for participation? How can a democratic understanding be conveyed here? The workshop creates an international perspective on civic educational work and opportunities for participation.
It is part of the identity of Franco-German / international youth exchanges to create open cooperation, an understanding of democratic processes and an awareness of diverse societies. The confrontation with different perspectives enables young people to review their own convictions and discover new points of view. In conjunction withcivic education, young people are given the tools they need to actively shape and participate in shaping society. Any offers must be accessible to all young people. The question then arises: How can they be designed to be low-threshold? How can a diverse target audience be reached?
The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) has been focusing on civic education and various aspects of participation in its funding programs forseveral years. Since 2015, the "Diversity and Participation" strategy has aimed to make exchange programs more accessible and, in particular, to reach young people who previously had little or no access due to exclusion mechanisms, (structural) experiences of discrimination or other barriers. The conception and implementation of diversity-sensitive and participatory formats is also a concern in civic education : it becomes clear that there are exciting fields of action in terms of content, subject and pedagogy. Especially at international level, very different approaches can be formulated, as the understanding of civic education, inclusion and participation can vary greatly depending on the country and context. It is therefore all the more important to be familiar with different approaches and develop common positions when planning and implementing international projects in this field of action. In this context, the FGYO is organizing two Franco-German specialist forums in autumn 2024: one in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Civic Education on the principles and quality standards of political education in the context of international youth work, and a second on inclusion and participation in youth encounters.
The findings of these events will be presented in the workshop. It aims to look beyond the German-French horizon and to discuss, deepen and, if necessary, supplement the findings together with the international participants (first in small groups, then in plenary). Ideally, a joint position on principles, scope for action and perspectives can be formulated at the end.
In addition, the results of the workshop could be taken up again at future conferences in order to make a long-term contribution to the further development of pedagogical concepts in the field of civic education and for inclusive youth welfare and youth programmes at an international level.
Further information
Das Deutsch-Französische Jugendwerk (DFJW) ist eine internationale Organisation im Dienst der deutsch-französischen Freundschaft. Aufgabe des DFJW ist es, die Verbindungen zwischen jungen Menschen in Deutschland und Frankreich auszubauen.
Project / department
Außerschulischer Austausch / Diversität und Partizipation