JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps
How does youth work navigate shifting and shrinking civic spaces and social and political polarisation? This event will discuss how youth work can support meaningful political participation of young people in a polarized political and social context.
How does youth work navigate through changing and shrinking civic spaces? How does youth work develop in societies with authoritarian dynamics? How can European youth policy and funding programmes promote meaningful political participation of young people, especially in different deteriorating democratic contexts? What further support is needed to promote meaningful youth participation in light of polarisation, authoritarian tendencies, and misinformation? These questions are at the centre of this event. Short presentations will showcase practices to inspire, but also to identify challenges in implementing meaningful youth participation and democracy learning in the current political and societal atmosphere. All participants are then invited to ask questions and discuss practice examples, challenges, opportunities, and limitations of youth work in this context. Further (critical) guiding questions will support the discussions:
- Where and how does youth work take place in changing or shrinking spaces?
- How does youth work try to engage with hard-to-reach youth groups (e. g. from radicalised, politically marginalised, far-right, politically disillusioned subcultures)?
- What support is needed to promote meaningful political participation of young people in different deteriorating democratic contexts?
The event aims to provide space for dialogue and discussion on this topic and to stimulate further reflection for and in the field of youth work.
Wir fördern non-formale und informelle Bildung und grenzüberschreitende Mobilität, unterstützen die jugend- und engagementpolitische Zusammenarbeit und die Weiterentwicklung der Jugendarbeit und stärken die europäische Idee im deutschen Breitensport.