JUGEND für Europa, Nationale Agentur für die EU-Förderprogramme Erasmus+ Jugend, Erasmus+ Sport und Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

How do the EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) support participation and democracy? This event will explore key factors, inspiring practices and further support needed for European projects to contribute to democratic learning.

Societies in Germany and Europe are going through a period of upheaval, in which extreme and anti-democratic tendencies are on the rise. This brings with it an increased risk of young people being attracted to extreme groups and parties, but also an increased need for democracy education. Preventative work to introduce young people to a democratic community of values at an early age and to strengthen their resilience against extreme tendencies is more important than ever. The aim of this event is to discuss and shape the possible role of the (future) EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) and their activity formats in promoting youth participation and (learning) democracy. This includes exploring and identifying key success factors, inspiring practices, but also training and support needs of youth workers and organisations to strengthen meaningful engagement. A panel session will introduce the topic from different perspectives, such as young people's experiences with engaging in democratic life through European projects, insights from research and analysis on the contribution of the EU youth programmes to democracy, and inspiring youth work practices. All participants are then invited to share and reflect on the opportunities, challenges, and needs for the successful implementation of projects with a strong democracy development and learning dimension.
Guiding questions will support the discussion:

- How can volunteering or other forms of European mobility experiences inspire and empower, and promote democratic engagement among young people and further support it? What makes participatory and voluntary engagement meaningful?
- What further support is needed for youth (work) organisations?
- What are the lessons learnt and recommendations for the future generation of EU youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps) from 2028 and their focus on youth participation, civic engagement and democracy?

The ideas and recommendations may feed into further (political) processes, such as the design of the future generation of EU youth programmes from 2028 and further needs-oriented (European) training opportunities.

In addition to the speakers listed below, the following other contributors will be involved in the realisation of the workshop:
Anne Hardt, Democracy International e.V. (Germany)
Basti Standke, ‘Junior Team Europa’ project of VILLA gGmbH
Cesar Lopez and Kai Dietrich, AGJF Sachsen e.V., Project: ‘Uferlos’ - Fachstelle für internationale Jugendarbeit des Freistaats Sachsen 
Emma Wolff and Almut Röder, Europeer
Jacqueline Langhorst and Nicole Thönnes, Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste e.V. (ijgd)


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