Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe – AGJ
Is the history of youth policy in Europe a success story? What influence does European youth policy have on debates in Germany and on practice in child and youth welfare? A lot has actually happened since the 1990s.
Is the history of youth policy in Europe a success story? What influence does European youth policy have on debates in Germany and on practice in child and youth welfare? A lot has actually happened since the 1990s. The interest in taking greater account of the concerns and perspectives of children and young people in European policy and involving them more in decision-making processes has increased significantly. We want to shed some light on this development and let various German stakeholders in child and youth welfare have their say on current strategies and objectives of EU youth policy.
The event will be held in German. A translation into English will be provided.
1. Welcome address
2. Audience survey
3. Input on the history and current developments of European (EU) youth policy and their evaluation from the perspectives of practice and science with Corinna Robertson-Liersch (Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen bei der Europäischen Union) und Dr. Frederike Hofmann-van de Poll (wissenschaftliche Referentin der Arbeitsstelle europäische Jugendpolitik am Deutsches Jugendinstitut -DJI)
4. Opening statements from the perspective of various member pillars of the AGJ an Panel discussion with:
- Child and youth policy and its interlinking with children's rights - (Janina Bittner, Jugendamt Leipzig) for the perspective of the municipalities.
- Youth Guarantee - (Alexander Hauser - Caritas) for the perspective of the BAGFW
- Development of participation - Dorothee Ammermann ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland e.V. (aej) for the perspective of the youth associations.
- Democracy and political education - Georg Pirker (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB))for the perspective of specialist child and youth welfare organisations
Moderator Rolf Witte (Bundesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung)
5. Summary of central statements and results of the audience survey, comments and moderation and final demands Demands.
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe - AGJ ist Forum und Netzwerk der bundeszentralen Strukturen der freien und öffentlichen Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Deutschlands. Mit ihren Gremien und Projekten setzt sie sich für junge Menschen ein.
Project / department
Kinder- und Jugend(hilfe)politik in Europa