Bayerischer Jugendring (K.d.ö.R.)

The rightshift in Europe brings many challenges for youth work:
- To what extent and in what way is youth work affected by the rightshift in European countries?
- Securing democracy education programs in the medium term?
- Rightshift and financing of youth work?

During our workshop "Democracy education in the context of right shift in Europe", we will work with international and german professional and voluntary youth workers on:
- Questions about the situation of youth (and youth associations) work in different European countries and the challenges associated with the shift to the right (including an aggressive political climate, diversity and inclusion, hate speech, the role of international youth work, prospects for funding youth work). In a second step, we will discuss ways of learning from each other across national borders and developing joint strategies. (Both youth policy strategies and methodological strategies for working with young people).


Der Bayerische Jugendring ist die jugendpolitische Interessensvertretung der Jugendverbände und Jugendgruppen in Bayern. Für den Bereich der Jugendarbeit sind dem BJR seit 1993 alle wesentlichen Aufgaben eines Landesjugendamts übertragen worden.

Project / department

Europäische Jugendpolitik